New Charity and Company Registration Numbers
The trust was first registered in 2011 with the Charity Commisison, then expanded and reformed in 2016 as Pennyhooks Farm Trust (1166812). It is also a company limited by guarantee (registered company number 9931286).
Our trustees are: Col. Paul Morris (RM.); Mr Richard Hurford (Pennyhooks Farm Manager); Mr Krzystzof Lender (IT Engineer) and Wendy Faux (HM Forces Officer).

We have had the honour of welcoming our new patron: The Reverend Doctor Gordon Gatward (OBE, BD, PHD, FRAgS, FIAgrM, retired Director Arthur Rank Centre and founder of Care Farming UK). Having previously been our founding chairman, we are grateful for his wisdom and continuing support.
Articles of Association

Staff Team
We employ a team of about 18 full time and part time staff. Their wide experience and skills are in : autism care, teaching, student support, psychology, woodwork, farm work, conservation, gardening, rural craft, home skills, book-keeping, willow weaving, administration and fund raising. They all share our ethos and a dedication to the wellbeing of young people with Autism.